Joomla! 5.1.0 und Joomla! 4.4.4 sind da
Am 16.04.2024 wurde vom Joomla!-Projekt die Joomlaversionen 5.1.0 und 4.4.46 veröffentlicht. Es handelt sich um die neuen Minor-Version Joomla 5.1, sowie die Patch-Version Joomla 4.4.4
Joomla 5.1 ist die aktuelle Minor-Version. Sie bringt viele neue Funktionen, Sicherheits- und Code-Verbesserungen und eine höhere Geschwindigkeit mit sich.
Wer mehr über die Vorteile von Joomla 5 erfahren möchte, kann dies hier tun
Welche neuen Funktionen gibt es in Joomla 5.1?
Implement TUF updater (#42799)
Heavily improve dark mode (#42986)
Implement backend dark mode switch (#42221)
Implement a Welcome Tour (#41659)
SEO: Add trailing slash behaviour (#42702)
SEO: Improve URL behaviour with index.php (#42704)
Adding notice to global configuration for additional options in SEF plugin (#42832)
Update Jooa11y Accessibility Checker Plugin with latest Sa11y (#42780)
Improve Guided Tours with new features for required field handling and support for checkbox / radio / select lists as target (#40994)
Add regex validation for fields (#42657)
Add Generic type (#42699)
Add Article type (#42402)
Allow custom fields form be manipulates like category form (#42510)
Replace bootstrap modal with new dialog in backend for
Scheduler task “Run test” (#42746)
Extensions changelog (#42453)
Batch-Dialog in Redirect component (#42355)
Plugin editing (#42447)
Module editing (#42423)
Media editor button (#42288)
Category Modal (#42293)
Contact Modal (#42326)
Newsfeed Modal (#42327)
Batch Modal (#42328)
ContentHistory Modal (#42454)
Add main region and better support for modules in Cassiopeia error page (#42719)
Joomla Update: Improving error handling when writing files (#41096)
Update FontAwesome to 6.5.1 (#42721)
Update TinyMCE to 6.8.3 (#42930)
Strip attributes from images in HTML mails (#42448)
Change type of field "value" in table #_fields_values from text to mediumtext (#42606)
Add support for subcategory levels in contacts category view (#41618)
Add “New Article” button to blog view (#39506)
CLI Improvements
Module conversion to service provider
Mod_banners (#42214)
Mod_multilangstatus (#42845)
Mod_sampledata (#42866)
Mod_frontend (#42853)
Mod_user (#42852)
Mod_login (#42990)
Mod_toolbar (#42838)
Mod_loginsupport (#42827)
Mod_title (#42801)
Mod_stats (#42781)
Mod_wrapper (#42792)
Mod_version (#42814)
Mod_stats_admin (#42886)
Mod_syndicate (#42883)
Mod_custom (#42877)
Mod_messages (#42735)
Mod_feed (#42215)
Mod_tags_similar (#42898)
Mod_tags_popular (#42899)
Mod_latestactions (#42910)
Mod_languages (#42929)
Mod_post_installation_messages (#42987)
Add toolbar buttons in language installation toolbar to go directly to language management views (#42610)
Improve long description output for templates (#42651)
Add possibility to sort subform rows with buttons "up" and "down" (#42334)
Add rebuild button in Tags (#42586)
Improve uninstall of package children extension (#42607)
Improve webservices filter (#42519)
Improve webservice event classes (#42092)
Use generic icon for documents in media manager (#42527)
Rewrite com_associations in vanilla JS (#42771)
Implementing Event classes for PageCache events (#41965)
Fix actionlogs information emails containing HTML links (#40033)
Load plugin group when executing batch tasks (#39013)
Add Global Setting for Form Layout option to custom fields (#37320)
Add SVG support to mod_banners (#41854)
Update Code style fixer (#42603)
Unit test for WebAsset (#42885)