Dienstag, 12 März 2019


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Für Akeeba Backup und Akeeba Admin Tools wurden am 11.03.2019 ein neue Updates veröffentlicht.

Quelle: https://www.akeebabackup.com/download.html

Akeeba Backup, Version 6.4.1

Bug fixes

  • [HIGH] Upload to Azure: incompatible with HTTP/2

New features

  • Added BackupID in the failed backups email notifications
  • Allow Site Transfer Wizard to ignore free disk space requirements
  • Support for PDO PostgreSQL database driver (this code was submitted by a third party developer)

Miscellaneous changes

  • Joomla! 4 alpha 7 compatibility

Akeeba Admin Tools, Version 5.3.0

Bug fixes

  • [LOW] Failed Login log entries would be deleted on upgrade even if they don't contained plaintext passwords

New features

  • Disable access to backend users who haven't logged in for a long time (gh-188)
  • Joomla! 4 alpha 7 compatibility
  • Protection of all component and plugin folders against direct web access
  • Updated default list of blocked User Agents

Miscellaneous changes

  • Added PHP malware samples in the PHP File Change Scanner
Gelesen 10737 mal Letzte Änderung am Sonntag, 17 Januar 2021

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Inh. Ulrich Anders
