Mittwoch, 27 Juni 2018

Joomla 3.8.9

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Joomla 3.8.9

Am 26.06.2018 wurde das Release Joomla 3.8.9 veröffentlicht. Es beinhaltet Verbesserungen und die Behebung mehrerer Fehler.


Inhalt von Joomla! 3.8.9

Joomla 3.8.9 addresses two security vulnerabilities and several bugs, including the fatal error in the random image module, the error on uploading images in child folder, and several other bugs and improvements, including:

Security Issues Fixed

  • Low Priority - Core - Local File Inclusion with PHP 5.3 (affecting Joomla 2.5.0 through 3.8.8) More information »
  • Low Priority - Core - XSS vulnerability in language switcher module (affecting Joomla 1.6.0 through 3.8.8) More information »

Bug fixes and Improvements

  • Correctly escape the random image module output #20533
  • Fix folder browsing and file upload that broke in 3.8.8 due to escaping #20586
  • com_mailto (mail to friend) allows the usage of a Captcha by using JForm #20265
  • Tag indexing improvement #13868
  • Fix use of hyphens in data attributes #20579
  • Updates to third party PHP libraries #20583
  • CodeMirror updated to 5.38.0 #20636

Visit GitHub for the full list of bug fixes.

Gelesen 2281 mal Letzte Änderung am Sonntag, 17 Januar 2021

Webdesign Agentur in Wiesbaden
Inh. Ulrich Anders

Mehr in dieser Kategorie: « Joomla 3.8.8 Joomla 3.8.10 »